A good example of why these "programs" are so flawed. A Camelot grad that now is isn't working out. I hope this poor horse finds a soft landing, but what are the odds?
For more information about Zephyr contact: Megan McCarron
Her phone number: 717-503-1198 Her email address: mrmccarron@gmail.com | Horse's Name: Zephyr Horse's age: 7 Horse's Breed: Belgian Cross Where your horse is located. Description of your horse: 7 year old Belgian Cross gelding. Obtained at Camelot Auction in Cranberry, NJ at the end of September 2012. Originated from New Holland auction in PA. Believed to be an Amish horse. Issues with your horse: Zephyr is young, green and a bit 'spooky'. Recently we have learned from a vet visit that he is suffering from Uveitis, has only partial vision and will go completely blind in the next couple of years. He is not mean or aggressive to people, but is unsure of them and is a bit nervous. Seems to have had limited contact with people prior to coming to me. Why you are looking for a new home for your horse? Health status including vaccinations: Coggins came back clean. Vert confirmed he is healthy other than the Uveitis |
Yeah he's just what everyone is looking for. Sometimes the best thing is to just put them down.